Muaythai: Buakaw makes history in the heart of the United Kingdom. UKMF

In a momentous collaboration between the International Federation of Muaythai Associations (IFMA), the global authority on muaythai, and the esteemed United Kingdom Muaythai Federation (UKMF), Birmingham, United Kingdom, played host to a remarkable Muaythai workshop.

Spearheaded by none other than Muaythai sensation and IFMA Ambassador, Thailand's Sombat Banchamek, known as Buakaw Banchamek or simply 'Buakaw', the event attracted a staggering 300 participants from both the Olympic and Muaythai communities. The workshop garnered unprecedented attention, attracting in over 20 million viewers via a YouTube clip, setting a new benchmark in visibility and engagement.

Selected athletes were honoured to have the opportunity to interact with eminent figures in the Olympic sphere, including the esteemed International Olympic Committee (IOC) President Thomas Bach, as well as WADA President Witold Banka and SportAccord President Dr Ugur Erdener. The distinguished presence of these leaders underscored the importance of Muaythai within the global sporting landscape. 

The proceedings commenced with a warm welcome from IFMA President Dr Sakchye Tapsuwan and the esteemed leadership of the UKMF. However, it was the Asian Buakaw who really stole the spotlight as he mesmerised the audience with a dazzling display of his unparalleled skills.

300 people attended an amazing demonstration by world star Buakaw. UKMF
300 people attended an amazing demonstration by world star Buakaw. UKMF

From five-year-old beginners to seasoned practitioners aged 74, Buakaw's masterclass transcended age and experience, leaving an indelible impression on all in attendance. 

Buakaw's demonstration not only showcased his trademark skills but also underlined his status as one of the most iconic figures in the history of the sport. As a token of appreciation, each participant received a personalised certificate from IFMA's esteemed leadership, including the Presidents of IFMA and UKMF, as well as Buakaw himself. 

Beyond the spectacle, the workshop provided an invaluable insight into IFMA's pivotal role within the Olympic movement. As an IOC-recognised organisation, IFMA serves as a beacon of excellence, providing athletes and coaches alike with a tangible connection to the Olympic ethos. 

In addition, the event underscored the transformative power of Muaythai, offering participants the rare opportunity to learn from a living legend and reaffirming the sport's status as a global phenomenon.