SASCOC to vet each SA Team member to prevent sexual misconduct. SASCOC

The South African Sports Confederation and Olympic Committee (SASCOC) will vet all coaches and athletes who will form the final South African Olympic squad, as part of the measures put in place to rule out potential sexual predators, according to South Africa’s Sunday World. 

"Everyone who is selected will undergo a vetting process. We want to make sure that we do not take along anyone with pending cases or criminal records. The exercise is -also aimed at removing all people with sexual offence -cases or considered sexual pests," revealed Team SA leader Patience Shikwambana. 

In the past the SA Olympics committee has come under fire for its lapses and failure to root out rogue elements from its ranks, undergoing official investigations and government scrutiny as a result. 

Last week SASCOC announced the first batch of athletes expected to represent South Africa, as well as the financial incentives for medallists. The final team will be announced once the athletes’ qualifications have been confirmed by their respective federations.