NADA and Athletes Germany intensify cooperation. NADA

The National Anti-Doping Agency Germany (NADA) and Athletes Germany are intensifying their cooperation to protect clean athletes. Both organisations are committed to protecting athletes and the integrity of sport. Doping endangers the health of athletes, deceives competitors, the public and the organisers and destroys the values of sport.

Lars Mortsiefer, CEO of the Nationale Anti-Doping Agentur Deutschland (NADA), said, "Athletes Germany (Athleten Deutschland) has established a professional and independent athlete representation in Germany in recent years and has thus provided important impetus for strengthening the integrity and values of sport." 

"NADA has accompanied and supported Athletes Germany's work on behalf of athletes from the very beginning. It is therefore of great importance to us to expand the constructive cooperation with NADA's most important target group and to work together with the athletes in Germany for doping-free sport," he added. 

Both sides have set out the key points of their future cooperation in a declaration of intent. These include the further development of the anti-doping regulations, the expansion of prevention activities and the promotion of exchange between athlete representatives, NADA and other stakeholders in anti-doping work. The networking of the organisations serves the interests of clean athletes and the effectiveness of anti-doping work in Germany. 

Johannes Herber, Managing Director of Athletes Germany, said, "NADA is one of the world's leading national anti-doping agencies. It takes the voice of the athletes in the fight against doping very seriously and involves them on an equal footing. We are therefore all the more pleased to be able to intensify the good cooperation of recent years on a new basis."

NADA is an independent foundation under civil law that was founded in Bonn on 15 July 2002 and became legally binding on 1 January 2003. Its aim is to combat doping and to promote clean performance in sport. In 2023, Lars Mortsiefer was appointed CEO of NADA.

Athleten Deutschland is a German association based in Berlin that represents the interests of German elite athletes in an independent and professional manner. The foundation was decided at the general meeting of the athlete representatives of German competitive athletes on 15 October 2017 in Cologne. 45 participants signed the founding protocol.