
New corruption claims levelled at Qatar 2022 World Cup bid

By Andrew Warshaw

Qatar bid Blatter Nov 18November 18 -The bidding process for the 2022 World Cup burst into fresh controversy today after allegations by the Sunday Times newspaper that Qatar officials considered offering $1 million (£630,000/€785,000) to the son of Amos Adamu, a member of the FIFA Executive Committee that handed the tournament to the tiny Gulf state.

FIFA reforms to conclude in May 2013

By Andrew Warshaw at the International Football Arena Conference in Zurich

FIFA-headquarters-in-ZurichNovember 13 - The much publicised road map to reform undertaken by FIFA after the most scandal-tainted period in its history will come to a definitive end in May next year when the organisation's 209-member congress is presented with a series of proposals designed to bring transparency and accountability back to world football's governing body.