NOCK announced that they will be providing financial support to athletics coaches. GETTY IMAGES

The National Olympics Committee of Kenya (NOCK) is being praised for their financial support towards Athletics coaches as they prepare athletes for this summer’s Olympics.

NOCK announced on Monday that they will be providing financial support to coaches in preparation towards the Paris 2024 Olympic Games in an unprecedented move citing ‘Olympic preparation for athletes does not start after the National trials and that is why we are getting involved even before the trials while also ensuring our support is 360 degrees’.

Athletics coach Ruth Bundotich, who trains long-distance runner Agnes Ng'etich, said she is moved by NOCK’s offer.

"We have never seen anything like this; the coaches have been struggling despite putting in a lot of work and sacrificing a lot of time. The financial support we are receiving from NOCK is very empowering; it means coaches can now focus on good results," Bundotich told the media.

The funds will go towards daily allowances to the athletes, their pace setters, and coaches, in addition to enhancing the facilitation of their physiotherapy, medical, gym, and transport. Bundotich emphasised on making sure they perform well at the Games

"We promise to get good results at the Olympic Games because it is a very huge event and I feel like I have a lot to do. I have to sacrifice a lot of time, energy, techniques, and skills, and there is a lot to do. As coaches, we are ready to prepare the athletes with that support from NOCK and Athletics Kenya," she added.

NOCK secretary general Francis Mutuku said the support will have an effect not only on the coaches but also on athletes and talent development in the country.

"Our athletes are as good and as happy as the coaches handling them, they are the closest people to the athletes, and they are often the unsung heroes. We identified a gap where focus goes to the athletes while coaches only get recognized after the national team has been named," Mutuku said.

Athletics Kenya will host the Olympic trials next month where athletes will secure their slots in the Paris Olympics National team. 69 male and female athletes are shortlisted in the 800m, 1500m, 3000m Steeplechase, 5,000m, race walking, and field events. 10,000m athletes will be put on the Olympic Program immediately after their trials while NOCK has ongoing support for the selected marathon team.